When your child starts college it is really tough to get used to the separation. We put so much time, love, and energy into our children for 18 years and then the day comes.
Today I have some exciting news! This past Sunday we rescued the newest member of our family. We adopted the most wonderful, gentle, cuddliest cocker spaniel anyone could ever want. His name is Cody and he wanted to share his story with you. I am sure you too will fall in love with this cutie just as we did.
If you are a product of the 80’s club as I am, Pretty In Pink has to be at the top of your list along with The Breakfast Club for all time great movies.
During the holidays things tend to get so busy and rushed. Do you feel like you never stop and “enjoy” the holidays? I do for sure. Each year I try to hold a simple luncheon to get together with a few friends. It seems so nice to be able to slow down a bit and just enjoy the season.
This year the colors are far more brilliant than last. These pictures were taken in my yard. With all the spruce trees it really helps to make the color pop. We have many maple trees on our property so we end up with a very colorful bright yard. Hope you enjoy!